How I made this website pt.1


Creating a website on a virtual private server (VPS) is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of how the internet works. A VPS is essentially a virtual machine running on a physical server, which allows you to have complete control over the operating system and software installed on it. By setting up a web server on your VPS, you can host your website and make it accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This process involves configuring the server software, uploading your website files, and configuring DNS settings to point to your server’s IP address.

Once you find a domain name (in my case, you can purchase it and set up DNS records to point to your server’s IP address. I registered on OVH and got my VPS on Hetzner

Once you have your server, you can log in via SSH and start setting up your website or application.

[step-by-step instructions on how to SSH into your VPS] ( It covers topics such as generating SSH keys, connecting to the server from a Linux/MacOS/Windows machine, and troubleshooting SSH connection issues.

Don’t forget that disabling root login over SSH is generally considered a good security practice. Instead of logging in directly as root, you can log in as a regular user with sudo privileges, and then use the sudo command to perform administrative tasks. This adds an additional layer of security, as it requires the attacker to obtain both the username and password of a privileged user.

After getting my VPS up and running, my domain registered and my ssh connection open on my laptop I started looking on how to manage my website focusing on:

  1. hosting my static landing page / blog

  2. experimenting with Leafletjs

  3. hosting WebGIS based on Lizmap

And I bumped into Docker.

Choosing Docker as the architecture for your website can offer several advantages. Docker is a containerization platform that allows you to package your application and all its dependencies into a single unit, called a container. Docker also allows for easy scalability, as you can quickly spin up new. Additionally, Docker provides isolation and security, as each container runs in its own isolated environment, minimizing the risk of conflicts between different applications or dependencies. Overall, using Docker as the architecture for your website can provide a reliable, scalable, and secure platform for hosting your application.

suggested reading

When I need to deal with proxy, I find out about Caddsyserver

Caddyserver is a lightweight and easy-to-use web server that offers many features, including serving HTTPS and reverse proxying. Caddyserver is designed to be simple and efficient, with a focus on ease of use and fast performance, you can quickly and easily set up your website to serve HTTPS and also supports reverse proxying, which allows you to proxy requests to another server or service, making it an ideal solution for serving content from multiple sources.

Suggested reading